Dial-a-Docent @ Hirshhorn

Reuniting with key members of the Hirshhorn Museum docent team, I am happy to be a founding member and lead interface designer of Dial-a-Docent.

Do you miss going to museums? Do you miss the excitement of seeing a new exhibition or the comfort of seeing a much-loved painting or sculpture? Docents share these feelings. We miss giving tours and discussing art. Dial-a-Docent is a group of museum docents who love to talk about art. We are offering free one-on-one & small group conversations about modern and contemporary art, and virtual tours of the works of the institutions we represent. Each conversation is unique, and designed according to your particular interests. Dial-a-Docent is ongoing! Schedule a conversation on our website.

We’ve already successfully offered hundreds of online conversations about modern and contemporary art during the pandemic, and continue to offer more. Learn more here.